Highlights in the Garden
Week Ending May 1, 2009

Enkianthus perulatus
The Asian Woods

Tulipa 'Bastogne'
The Tennis Court Garden

Dodecatheon media
The Woodland Garden

Tulipa 'Garant' (yellow) and Tulipa 'Francoise' (white)
Chanticleer House Overlook

Assorted Trilliums
The Lower Orchard

Fothergilla gardenii (foreground) and
Fothergilla major
The Stream Garden
Rosa hugonis
The Long Border

Anemone sylvestris
The Teacup Garden Oak Bed

Asimina triloba
The Cut Flower Garden

Assorted Crabapples
The Orchard

Rhododendron schlippenbachii
The Wildflower Slope

Euphorbia polychroma
The Ruin and Gravel Garden

Geum 'Beechouse'
The Pond Garden

"Caught Again … Singing in the Flower"
Cornus florida
and Cardinalis cardinalis
The Minder Woods